Under Jihlava there is a unique historical monument of the town. The size of the catacombs is really remarkable -
the total length is 25 km and the whole area is over 50.000 squarem metres.
Catacombs have several floors - first floor is 2-4 meters underground, the second floor is 4-6 metres underground and below some objects from the second floor is even a third floor with a depth of 8-14 metres underground.
The reason why the catacombs were built is still a mystery. Some historians thought a long time that catacombs used to be a part of the silver mines. Others thought that corridors were built for military purposes. Most of them think that the catacombs were built due to the boom of trade in the town. Jihlava lay on important trade routes and after the silver mines closed it became a centre of regional business. Shoppers had to extend their storage's and it meant jobs for experienced miners.
There are two possibiliies how to visit the catacombs:
'Old circle' (400 m, minimum 4 persons, max. 45)
Adults - 20 Kc, children up to 14 - 10 KCZ
'New cirle ALFA' (3500 m) - helmets and lights required (provided)
Adults - 30 Kc, children up to 14 - 15 KCZ