The City of Cheb is a district city (the district itself bearing the same name). This district is one that is located most to the west of the Czech Republic neighboring with Germany in the northwest and southwest. The City of Cheb located on the banks of river Ohre extends itself at 96,4 km
2 and there are 31 830 inhabitants in the city.
The City of Cheb is found on the crossroads of
numerous important transport routes. The first class road No. 6 (international E48) connects Cheb with Sokolov, Karlovy Vary and then continues to Prague. Looking to the west this road leads to the boarder checkpoint in Pomezi and on to Germany. As far as service roads for Cheb and Pilsen are concerned the first class road No. 20 (E49) is of great significance. This road connects to the above mentioned first class road No. 6 close to Karlovy Vary. Also important is the first class road No. 21 going in the direction of Marianske Lazne and Stribro. The last mentioned route, though not of great quality, has gained significance with the construction of the D5 speedway from Prague, going through Pilsen and then on to Rozvadov and Germany. The city is not directly connected to a highway. Traffic in the city has significantly gone down mainly owing to the construction of the four-line by-pass road in the northeast in November 1999. As far as railway transport is concerned the route No. 170 going from Prague, via Pilsen and Marianske Lazne to Cheb and then going on to Germany is the most important one. The route No. 140 Cheb - Sokolov - Karlovy Vary - Chomutov is also rather significant. The route No. 170 itself constitutes a part of the III. railway corridor. The other railway routes are of merely regional significance.
The micro-region of Cheb represents a typically industrial area with a great share of the service sector. The service sector is mostly developed thanks to the nearby health-resorts (spas). Given the climate and the natural conditions agriculture is not of major significance in this region. The industrial structure has changed a lot in the past ten years. Some of the great industrial factories and enterprises closed down, including for example the brewery, Eska (
production of bicycles) or Chebana Cheb (production of textiles). Another enterprise with a long tradition, Kovo Cheb, a.s.

suffered a great loss at eastern markets where it exported approximately 90% of its production in the early 90's. The economic situation of the enterprise, however, has been improving lately. The range of goods offered by Kovo Cheb a.s. includes exchangeable containers, manipulation vehicles and devices, steel constructions and storehouse equipment. The enterprise also provides services and consulting in the sphere of logistics and warehousing. At the beginning of the year 2000 the enterprise was taken over by a group Belet which intended to restructure the whole enterprise. The intention was that only two thirds of the original number of employees would stay in the enterprise. Masny prumysl Cheb, a.s. (Meat-packing Cheb), Zemedelske stavby Cheb, a.s.(Agriculture construction Cheb), and PLM Czech Republic, a.s. As belong among the other greatest employers in the region. The company Strunal a.s., the largest producer of string instruments in Europe, with its production site located in Luby close to Cheb, also very significantly contributes to employment in the Cheb region. The service sector has experienced an immense growth in the past few years. Most of the inhabitants in this region are employed in the following spheres: trade, hotels (tourism) and restaurants. What to a great extend supports this growth in the service sector is the traditional health-resort character of the whole region.
Trade is mostly developed in the City of Cheb, which is mainly linked to the proximity of the boarder with Germany. People from Germany take advantage of the rather favorable exchange rate as well as of the convenient location of the City of Cheb. They mostly shop in the market-hall Dragoun, which has been rented out by the municipality to small shopkeepers.
Despite the fact that a great number of traditional enterprises in the region have closed down the situation in the micro-region is rather good. The redundant labor force from the industrial sphere have quite successfully been absorbed by the service sector. Also important is the feature of a great numbers of people taking the advantage of working in Germany. A slightly higher unemployment rate in the City of Cheb itself shows that the enterprises in other parts of the region are a bit better off. What still remains a problem, however, is the use of the premises and production sites of the enterprise Eska (production of bicycles) which went bankrupt.
The City of Cheb, which historically belongs among the oldest cities in the Czech Republic, is frequently visited by tourists. The history of the region reflects itself in numerous architectural works and sites. The City of Cheb itself can show off with a very well kept historical center, which has a status of urban historical area (protection of historical monuments). The world famous Spalicek is considered the dominant of the main square. The Castle in Cheb with the Black Tower and with the two-storied chapel without question ranks among the nicest and most interesting roman sites in Central Europe. The Museum in Cheb offers a
large exhibition dealing with the history of the city. There are also numerous galleries presenting plastic arts and paintings. What also constitutes an integral part of cultural life in the region and of its tradition is
the typical traditional architecture represented by half-timbered houses. A very nice countryside as well as the feature of being a health-resort add on to the attractive and good stand of the Cheb region.