A lot of galleries, which sell all kinds of art, have appeared in Prague. The best advice is to be very careful, as the quality changes quite a lot. We therefore recommend that you only buy a piece of art for investment purposes if you are able to decide whether it's worth the price. Prague offers many opportunities to find something interesting for a reasonable price if you just want something special for your home.
A+G Flora
Stepanska 61 (passage Lucerna), Prague l
Open: Mon-Fri: 10.00-19.00, Sat 09.00-13.00
Permanent sale exhibitions: art and fashion, original clothes, jewellery, accessories, graphic art, pictures, ceramics, glass.
Gallery at the Child Jesus of Prague
Karmelitska l 2, Prague l
Open:daily 10.00-18.00 (April-August to19.00)
Galerie Bonaventura
Mala Strana, Karmelitska 26, Prague 1
Open: Mon-Sat 10.00-18.00 Sale exhibition of graphics, drawings, pictures and small plastics.
Galerie Bratri Capku
Jugoslavska 20, Prague 2
Open: daily except Sat 10.00-13.00, 14.00-18.00 Sale exhibition of pictures and graphics.
Galerie Franze Kafky
Staromestske sq. 22, Prague l
Open: daily 10.00-18.00 Contemporary pictures, graphics and photographs.
Galerie Fronta
Spalena 53, Prague l
Open: daily except Mon 10.00-1,2.30, 14.00-17.30 Sale exhibition of pictures, drawings, graphics.
Galerie Gemoa Loci
Ujezd l, Prague 5
Open: Mon-Fri: 13.00-18.00 Design of furniture, author-work, permanent expositions of the ATTIKA group, permanent and sale-exhibition.
Galerie Hollar
Smetanovo nabrezi 6, Prague l
Open: daily except Mon: 10.00-13.00, 14.00-18.00 Sale exhibition of pictures and graphics.
Hnizdo - "The Nest" Gallery
Klimentska 2, Prague l
Mon-Fri: 10.00-13.00, 14.00-18.00 Sat: 10.00-13.00 Sale gallery and craftsman's workshop.
Galerie Karolina Agentura Carolina
Celetna 14, Prague l
Open: daily 10.00-21.00 Sale exhibition with different topics.
Galerie Krizovniku
Krizovnicka namesti 3, Prague l
Open: daily except Mon: 10.00-17.00 Sale exhibition of pictures and plastics.
Galerie No. 9
Ujezd 9, Prague 5
Open Mon-Fri: 10.00-18.00 Sale exhibition with various themes.
Galerie Novy Svet (picture on the right)
Hradcany, Novy Svet 5, Prague l
Open daily: 10.00-18.00 Sale exhibition of paintings, plastics, graphics and art-photography.
Gallery Peithner-Lichtenfels
Michalska 12, Prague l
Open:daily 10.00-19.00 Sale and exhibition-gallery, Paintings and graphic art of the 20th century
Galerie Rob Van Den Doel
Jansky vrsek 15, Prague l
Daily except Mon 10.30am-17.00 Contemporary glass art.
Galerie U Mozarta
Uhelny trh l l, Prague l
Open: Mon-Fri: 10.00-18.00, Sat: 10.00am-14.00 Ceramics, tapiseries, glass
Galerie U Sv. Martina
Uhelny trh l l, Prague l
Open: Mon-Fri: 10.00-18.00, Sat: 10.00-14.00 Sculptures, pictures, graphics, plastics.
U Zlatého Konicka
Husova 18, Prague l
Open: Daily 10.00-13.00, 14.00-19.00 Sale gallery - especially for children (illustrations, toys, puppets)
Gallery Vltavin
Masarykovo sg.36, Prague l
Open: Mon-Sun: 10.00-12.00,13.00-18.00 Exhibition- and sale-gallery, paintings, graphic art, plastics, sculpture ceramics
Galerie Zlata Lilie
Male sq..l 2, Prague l
Open: Mon-Fri 10.00-18.00, Sat 10.00-13.00 Pictures, graphics, plastics.