The Czech Republic concentrates on the territory of 78 864 km
2 a great historical and cultural heritage as well as the abundance of
beautiful countryside. The foreign visitor comes to an unusually rich and varied environment, full of changing scenery, many historical towns and cities, castles, chateaux and folk architecture.
A lover of mountain hiking and rambling will enjoy
the endless forests of the Sumava regions,

the Krkonose Mountains with the highest peak of Bohemia and Moravia Snezka (1 622), the melancholy Jeseniky Mountains and the pleasant Beskydy Mountains. Southern Bohemia attracts your attention due to peaceful ponds and lakes, while the vineyard regions in Southern Moravia posses a unique, characteristic and never forgotten charm.
The Czech land is interwoven with a
number of rivers and reservoirs and valley dam lakes of vast recreation resorts. The surface of ponds and lakes are lively and bright owing to windsurfers, canoes, kayaks and cheerfully shouting bathing kids. Around all signifficant dams and lakes are campings.