Guide |
 Habsburg rule (1526 - 1867)
We made a list of some historical events of Habsburg dynasty that for a long
time influenced our history.
Habsburg dynasty takes up the Bohemian throne, the first was Ferdinand I.
Habsburg Emperor Rudolf II. moves court to Prague
Jan Amos Komensky, author of books on education and the first "children's book"
Johanes Kepler, astronomer, publishes Laws of Planetary Motion
1618 - 1648
the Thirty Years' War, this war devastated much of central Europe and shatter Bohemia' s economy, Czech lost their
rights and property and almost their national identity, through forced Catholicisation and Germanisation
the second Prague's defenestration - two Catholic nobles were thrown out of the windows of Prague Castle
the Battle of Bila hora - the Czech Estates lost the battle against the imperial army
1740 - 1780
Peace the reign of Maria Theresa, it marked the beginning of the Enlightenment in the empire
compulsory education instituted in network of schools created by Empress
1780 - 1790
the reign of Maria's son Josef II, he brought about the most radical changes to the social structure of the Habsburg
the Edict of Tolerance was published, it allowed a large degree of freedom of worship for the first time in
over 150 years
Mozart's Don Giovanni premieres, under his condurctorship, at Estates Theatre
V.M. Kramerius published the first Czech revival newspaper
The first industrial exposition in Europe took place in Prague's Klementinum
18th/19th century
Czech National Revival was confident to the new Czech intelligentsia
the foundation of Patriotic (today National) Museum in Prague
1825 - 1832
the first long-distance horse railway in Europe built between Ceske Budejovice and Linz
Josef Jungmann published five-volume Czech-German dictionary in Prague
1848 - 1916
the reign of Franz Joseph I.
1851- 1859
Bach's absolutism
the establishment of the so-called Dual Monarchy of Austro-Hungary (two independent states united under one rule)

Habsburg rule (1526 - 1867)