In the spa region of the Cheb district can be found the Kynzvart manor, refashioned in 1821-1836 in response to
the Austrian chancellor Wenzel L. Metternich into an Empirical manor. The construction was designed by the builder Pietro Nobile. There is a precious library, containing Medieval manuscripts, incunabula, and rare prints from
the Benedictine monastery in Ochsenhausen, scientific books and encyclopedias for a series of scientific branches. In 1828 a museum was founded on the manor on the initiative of chancellor Metternich, where it is possible to see the collections of natural history, coins, historical and technical curiosities, manuscripts, old Egyptian items, weapons, pictures, marble sculptures, and objects of Oriental art.
The natural spa Lazne Kynzvart is the most important spa in the Czech Republic due to its treatment of the respiratory tract in children.
The environment not affected by problems of civilization is good not only for the treatment but also for complete relaxation of all visitors who like to stay in fresh clean air. For sports-oriented people, the city can offer a lot of tourist trails.
The guests can get to know this region on bikes, horses, by carriage, on skis in the winter or simply on foot. Fresh and healthy air along with curative springs are the best and most valuable effects that the city can offer to a human body.
And when you are already healthy there are restaurants and pubs ready to serve nice drinks and meals.
Since Metternich times, a lot of mixed forests have changed to coniferous forests where you can go hunting, of course being accompanied by the proper guide. You can hunt hare and deer. A unique resort for hunters is the nearby Kladska castle.
The state castle undoubtedly dominates the city surroundings. The older Baroque castle was remodelled for Chancellor Clemens W. Lothar of Metternich - Winneburg between 1820 and 1833 by the Viennese
architect Pietro Nobile. The castle is a unique example of a country representative residence built in the French Imperial and Viennese Classical Styles and sensitively placed into a spacious landscape park. Prince Metternich (1773-1859) was the Austrian State Chancellor and an important figure of the European political scene in the first half of the 19
th century. During his life many works of art, as well as vast collections of coins, chinaware and weapons enhanced this castle.
the famous Chancellor's Library with the unique collection of manuscripts and incunabula was established here.