Tourist Offices in the main tourist destinations usually have lots of brochures on local sights, maps, transport info - bus and train computerised printouts, accommodation info, etc.
Staff generally speaks English and they usually reserve accommodation. They are particularly helpful and friendly in the less tourist towns. Open daily during summer and Monday - Saturday during winter.
There are an increasing number of private tourist offices springing up, offering similar services to the government run ones but open longer hours.
Entrance fees
In 2001 the entrance fees to the Prague historical places of interest, museums and galleries are usually between 30, - to 50, - KCZ, some of the private museums are more expensive.
The admission fee charged at some of the largest and most significant historical sites such as the Prague Castle and the Jewish Museum (between 120, - and 290, - KCZ) appears to be rather high. However the ticket is valid for visits to
several places and it makes it very cheap. All the fees can be reduced (up to 50%) because of the system of student and group discounts etc. Some of the places allow free admission on one of the days in a month.
Guides - Prague Information Service:
Pragotur Guides Centre
Praha 1, Staromestske nam. 1 (Old Town Hall), phone 2448 2562, fax 2448 2380
provides qualified guides in many European languages for guided walks and basic or specialised city tours including transportation.
Guides Centre
Praha 8, Za Poricskou branou 7, phone/fax 2171 4151
provides qualified guides for guided walks and basic or specialised city tours in the Czech language organises national history and geography walks through Prague and trips to places of interest, all with professional guides (schedule in Prehled kulturnich poradu v Praze and in the booklet Prazska vlastiveda).